-Do people always complaint about life being tough?
Don't a few even care about life?
-Do people hurt others and don't realise it?
Do some even let others hurt them?
-Some persons don't even care?
Do some even CARE!?
-Do people fall in love?
Do some wish that they never fell in love?
-Do some think that they are unlucky?
Do some don't even realise that they are lucky?
-Do people look at some things the way they don't have to?
Do some even look?
-Do some people even yearn for sympathy!
Why do some even show sympathy!?
-Do people dream and do nothing about it?
Don't some even dream?
Don't some even let others dream?
-Don't people point out the wrong?
Do people even let the wrong unfold?
-Don't some speak up?
Do some stop those speaking up for them?
Can't some even stop speaking?
-Can't people remember?
Can't others remind?
Are a few things even reminded?
-Do people look down upon others
Can't some look upon others?
Do some even compare!?
-Can't people decide?
Do some decide for others!?